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Maundy Thursday - All Ages

Writer's picture: Pastor ChristiePastor Christie

You may be looking at the title of this devotion and wonder if Pastor Christie misspelled the title. No, it is Maundy - it comes from the Latin mandatum - which means commandment. On Maundy Thursday, after Jesus has washed his disciples feet he gives them a new commandment - to love one another. Love has taken an entirely different meaning in this time of physical distancing. Loving means that we are keeping our physical distance while still finding ways to connect with each other.

We normally gather for worship this evening. I will be posting the YouTube Playlist for our service before noon today. You are invited to gather those with you to worship at any point today as it works with your schedule. As a part of today's service we will have the final in our Villains & Vices sermon series as we prepare for Easter.

Let us pray - God of love - help us to live into your new commandment - to love one another in all ways, through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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